1. KESH POSHAK HAIR OIL (Arnica Hair Oil)

Composition : Arnica Q, Jaborandi Q, Calendula Q, Cantharis Q, China off Q in coconut oil base

Indications : It prevents falling of hair, gray hair, dandruff. It relieves from itching of scalp due to dandruff. It gives cool to brain, relieves from headache and promotes new hair growth.


2.MULLIEN OIL (Ear Drops)

Composition : Boric Acid 1%, Mullien Extract 10%, Alcohol 18%, Glycerin 40%, Distilled Water q.s. to make 100

Indications : Remedy for Ear diseases like Earache, Pus discharge, itching, fungal infection, hearing impeded, deafness of ear and perforation of drum etc.


3. RHUMA CARE OIL (Pain Oil)

Composition : Arnica Montana Q, Gaultheria procl (Gaultheria)Q, Eucalyptus G Q, Mentha piperata Q, Camphora Q

Indications : Excellent relief from lumbago, sciatica, stiffneck, gout and rheumatic pains and joint swellings helps in bruises, sprains, strains and falls etc